With principles, strategies, and tactics you can apply in ministry this week, SermonView's Larry Witzel will inspire and affirm your calling with short podcast episodes offering ministry insights.

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Types of Social Media Content

In this episode, Larry Witzel discusses the importance of social media for churches, highlighting that while many recognize its potential, few implement effective stra...

Using Inclusive Church Language

In this episode, I talk about the importance of using inclusive language in church to create a welcoming environment for guests. I’ll share five practical tips to help...

Doing Things You Enjoy

Burnout is a real challenge for pastors and church leaders, and I want to talk about how to avoid it. In this episode, I share personal experiences and insights into b...

Doing Things You're NOT Good At

In this episode, I share why stepping out of your comfort zone and taking on challenges you’re not naturally good at is so important. I talk about a personal experienc...

The Power of Insecurity

In this episode, Larry Witzel discusses the concept of imposter syndrome and the power of insecurity in personal and spiritual growth. He emphasizes that feeling insec...

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